Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 3 Scores

Challenge_fans: +9 (24)
Kenhoffy: +6 (22)
Matt: +5 (22)
Alaina: +10 (20)
Merideth: +3 (19)
Nate: +3 (14)

Vaulting out of last place, Alaina scores +10 this week to double her total and jump into contention. Ironically, it was the loss of Dustin that gave her huge points, as he racked up a hook up session, a bonus for making out with an ex, and then going to the hospital. Great job Dustin, even though you eliminated yourself for a boo boo on your knee! Of course, Alaina losing Leroy this week could curtail her championship dreams as she's down to just two players. Nate is probably down in the dumps too as his team is just the power couple of CT and Diem left. He's currently dragging around in last place so he'll need the fated lovers to start doing some crazy stuff soon.

Win Weekly Challenge: Paula, Dunbar
Sent to Dome: Leroy, Naomi, Ty, Emily
Win Dome: Ty, Emily

Reading the Clue: Aneesa
Crying: Abram, Aneesa
Hook Up: Dustin, Heather
Hook up with Ex: Dustin, Heather
Going to hospital: Dustin, Aneesa

Eliminated Players: Leroy, Naomi, Dustin, Heather

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